Kindergarten Program
Our kindergarten classes are 5 full days/week (8:30am - 2:30pm), and for children turning six during the school year.
2025-26 Tuition (9 months):
5 Day/Week (full day): $1,490/month ($13,410/yr)
A Glimpse into Development…
We are looking forward to an important year of development for your kindergarten child! At this stage, children grow with increasing independence and enjoy spending more time with peers. Your child will continue to develop confidence in their abilities, begin working cooperatively with others, and expand their understanding of the world around them through inquiry. Here is a glimpse of your child’s development over the year to come!
Approaches to Learning: Throughout the school year, we will focus on developing not only skills, but also mindsets that support lifelong learning. Our learning experiences are designed to spark children’s curiosity, encourage cooperation, build persistence and engagement over periods of time, cultivate creativity through open-ended material exploration, and foster problem solving in a real life context.
Social and Emotional Development: Your child will make meaning of their learning through cooperative play with individual children and small groups. He/She/They will begin to initiate play, develop friendships, and practice independence with social problem solving skills. Emotionally, your child will clearly communicate emotions, practice mindfulness and calming strategies, and expand their empathy to foster positive relationships with others. As your child develops a growth mindset, they will begin to recognize that mistakes help us learn and grow and practice setting concrete goals.
Health, Wellness and Physical Development: At this stage, children make significant strides in both gross motor and fine motor development! Through active nature exploration, children increase their strength and confidence as they balance on logs and navigate over obstacles in their environment. Also, your child will begin to develop the ability to manipulate smaller objects with their hands. He/She/They will draw recognizable shapes and pictures, use scissors and a variety of other tools with increasing motor control, and even zip, snap, button and/or tie as they dress themselves independently.
Creative Expression: Creativity is encouraged and honored as a necessary way for children to make meaning and communicate about their thinking and learning. Your child will explore his or her own creativity through music and movement, visual arts, and dramatic arts. Throughout the year, your child will experiment with a variety of creative materials and media, create through music and movement, play imaginatively, and enjoy the creative works of other artists.
Language and Literacy: This is an exciting time for language development! Your child will begin to understand the organization and features of print, identify letters, explore letter sounds, as well as set the foundation for early reading skills. Through a combination of drawing, play, and the formation of letters and simple words, your child will begin to write and for a variety of purposes. During reading, your child will explore the key elements of a story, ask purposeful questions, and make meaningful connections.
Cognitive Development: Your child will build upon early number concepts to write and sequence numerals, compare quantities, and put together or take apart up to ten objects as they explore the foundations of addition and subtraction. He/She/They will begin to identify, describe and draw two and three-dimensional shapes. Children at this stage will develop their ability to compare, categorize, sort and order various objects, as well as develop scientific thinking skills, such as observing, asking questions, and making predictions.