Preschool Program

Our preschool classes are mixed ages, for children turning three,* four and five during the school year. Families may choose 2 day/week, 3 day/week, or 5 day/week. We offer both half day (9am - 12pm) and extended day (9am - 2:30pm) options.

*Children must be at least 2 years and 7 months by September 1st of the year they join us.

2025-26 Tuition (9 months):

2 Day/Week $365/month ($3,285/yr)

3 Day/Week $515/month ($4,635/yr)

5 Day/Week $840/month ($7,560/yr)

Extended Day $115/month (per week day)


A Glimpse into Development…

We are looking forward to an exciting year of discovery and development for your young preschool child.  This will be a year of imagination and exploration, as well as developing new skills.  These experiences will continue to build your child’s positive self-image, as he or she develops in our small, nurturing environment!  Here is a glimpse of your child’s development over the year to come! 

Approaches to Learning: Throughout the school year, we will focus on developing not only skills, but also mindsets that support lifelong learning.  Our learning experiences are designed to spark children’s curiosity, encourage cooperation, build persistence and engagement over periods of time, cultivate creativity through open-ended material exploration, and foster problem solving in a real life context.  

Social and Emotional Development: Your child will begin to form relationships and play with other children.  He/She/They will learn to manage basic routines, follow simple directions, as well as learn to take turns and share.  Emotionally, your child will begin to feel more comfortable separating from you, as he or she gains more confidence and independence.  Throughout the course of the year, children will begin to identify and verbalize their own emotions, as well as recognize emotions in others.  

Health, Wellness and Physical Development: At this stage, children make significant strides in both gross motor and fine motor development!  Children will begin to run, jump, march and tiptoe, as well as refine their ability to balance on one foot and even hop.  Your child will develop the skills needed to roll, throw and catch a ball.  In addition, your child will begin to develop his/her/their ability to manipulate objects with his hands.  He/She/They will begin to draw lines and circles, build simple block towers, string large beads, and construct simple puzzles!  

Creative Expression: Creativity is encouraged and honored as a necessary way for children to make meaning and communicate about their thinking and learning.  Your child will explore his or her own creativity through music and movement, visual arts, and dramatic arts.  Throughout the year, your child will use instruments, sing simple songs, move freely to music, try out a variety of materials and media, as well as explore real and make-believe through imaginative play.  

Language and Literacy: This is an exciting time for language development!  Your child will begin to recognize that print has meaning, and even start recognizing some common print in our environment.  During read alouds, your child will become comfortable asking and answering simple questions about a text, as well as begin making personal connections to characters and stories.  Your child will continue to practice his or her emerging writing skills using a variety of media, including sand, water-paint, markers, playdough, and more!  

Cognitive Development: Your child will begin to develop early number concepts, such as counting objects and recognizing numerals through 5.  He or she will begin to identify shapes and be able to recognize these shapes in our natural environment.  Children at this stage will develop their ability to compare, categorize, sort and order various objects, as well as develop scientific thinking skills, such as making observations and predictions.